How To Turn Off ADT Chime – Quick Steps

The ADT chime is an audible tone generated by the security panel due to activating particular system zones on your ADT alarm.

When in a busy house with kids or with constant doors opening the door the chime sounds can be pretty annoying. You should know how to turn the chime off properly so the system can still function while simply removing the sound. 

To turn off the ADT chime, follow the below steps.

Begin by opening the cover of your ADT alarm system keypad, which entails flipping it down. Look for the ‘Chime’ button on the far right of the keypad. It should be the 3rd button from the top. Once you’ve located it, press it and hold it down for two seconds. 

How to Turn the ADT Chime Off

  1. Begin by opening the cover of your ADT alarm system keypad, which entails flipping it down. Look for the ‘Chime’ button on the far right of the keypad. It should be the 3rd button from the top. Once you’ve located it, press it and keep it down for two seconds. Try this second option if your ADT alarm system keypad doesn’t have a ‘chime’ button. Open the alarm and tap the “*” and “4” buttons simultaneously. It’s the universal combo for any ADT door alarm system. If these two options don’t work, find the instructions for turning off the chime on the manual.
  2. Once you’ve received a notification from your ADT security alarm, tap and hold the ‘chime’ button for approximately five seconds. Next, close the alarm port, and you are good to go. Don’t forget to test it out to make sure you’ve turned off the ADT alarm chime by opening the front door and then closing it.

Turning on the ADT alarm Chime

It’s not enough to install alarm systems in your home or business premises. Once you’ve installed the ADT alarm system, you are responsible for the safety of your home. It’s important to remember to turn it on once you are through with engagements that necessitated turning off the chime. Now that you know how to turn off the ADT chime, how do you turn it on? (1, 2)

How do you achieve that with ADT security? It’s simple. Follow the steps you followed when turning off the chime. Again, don’t forget to test it out to confirm it is working again.

The ADT alarm chime is one of the most remarkable features of the ADT alarm systems. Keeping it on significantly ensures the safety of your home because you can monitor who goes in and out of your home. 

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(1) business –
(2) engagements –

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