How to Barricade a Door That Opens Out: Do’s and Dont’s

Getting Started

opening & closing door

Sometimes doors are built so that the door opens outwards rather than inwards to save indoor space. This can mean a whole new list of considerations for securing the door.

If you’re short on time, using a broom is the easiest way to barricade a door that opens out. You will need a strong broom and tape/rope. It would be best if you positioned the broomstick perpendicular to the door frame. And then tape or tie it to the doorknob to secure it.

Below we’ll go through some alternative methods and expand on this one.

Methods to Barricade a Door That Opens Out

There are two ways to get started. The do it yourself method and the store-bought method.

Do It Yourself Methods

If you enjoy sorting things at home rather than employing commercial products, you are into DIY-ing. There are simple yet effective methods you can do using everyday household things. Although, It is safe to suppose that those household items are not as practical or reliable as store-bought locks. Simply because they are intended for a specific purpose and not for door locking, but if you do DIY door barricades, what matters more than anything is incorporating them well with some of the other things to make them functional.

1. Tie the Door to Heavy Furniture

The idea is simple; you have your rope or string around your doorknob or door handle. It must be anchored to something weighty and solid, like the furniture, to keep the door in place, making it difficult for anyone to open it. If your staircase is close to the front entrance, hook the rope to its baluster or newel.

You may also use a power cable or a belt; make sure the furniture is near the front door and too heavy to move. 

This approach can damage your enclosing furnishings, particularly the floor. Be careful to take these concerns to heart before attempting this option. For safety, use the correct rope and choose the right furniture.

2. Tape a Broom Handle on the Door Frame
wood stick

Aside from a broom, you may use anything straight and solid, such as a wood stick or a lever.

It is pretty simple;

  1. Position the broom handle perpendicular to the door frame and secure it with duct tape to hold it in place.
  2. Place it just slightly above the doorknob or door handle.
  3. After setting the broom in place, get a rope/string and tie the broom handle to the doorknob to keep the door shut.

Keep in mind that a broom is made of light materials. Although it cannot sustain too much force and pressure when someone attempts to pull from the outside, it is an excellent alternative barrier if no bar or lever is available. At the very least, thieves will take more time to open the door.

See the video below;

3. Knife and Fork Combo as a Barrier

Our next tip may seem strange but stick with us as it is very effective.

  1. Grab a knife and fork set. Cutleries may be available in the room if you are in a hotel. If not, you may get one from the hotel’s cafe or kitchen.
  2. Next, use twist ties to secure the knife and fork together; 3 to 4 links are enough.
  3. You may use additional tape to make sure they don’t slip off.
  4. Next, grab one of your shoelaces or look for a rope or cable. Then, place the knife-fork combo perpendicular to the door handle and frame.
  5. To lock the door, tie the combo at the door handle with a shoelace.

See video below;

Commercial Door Security Products

Using store-bought door security products is the safest and most reliable way to deter intruders. These items are specifically designed to keep the door from opening outwards.

They all vary in brand and design. So, if you are curious, you may do a quick search for installation instructions and models.

1. Security Door Bars – wedges the door by using the inside frame of the door.

Security door bars can easily be installed in homes and businesses. They are made of steel and have a rubber coating that makes them resistant to scratching, rusting, or denting. Security door bars are mainly used for home security, but some employers use them as they make it difficult for someone to enter the premises illegally. (1)

image 4

Security Door Bars come in many styles, such as push-bar, pivot bar, magnetic bar, and latch bar.

2. Outdoor security door hinge – provides more protection than the average hinges and secures any exterior doors with exposed hinges.

Outdoor security door hinges are designed for homes in high-risk areas and must be secured against burglars and other intruders.

The main purpose of the outdoor security door hinges is to provide a way of keeping a door shut when the home is not occupied. The outdoor security door hinges have been fitted with a locking mechanism that can only be opened when someone with the right key enters the house. (2)

Outdoor security door hinges are one of the many home safety innovations developed to help homeowners protect their property against burglars.

3. Latch Guard Protectors – metal plates that cover exposed latches to keep them from easily being picked.

Latch guard protectors are plastic covers placed over the top of the latch to prevent it from closing. Latch guard protectors also make opening and closing a door or drawer easier as they don’t have to place their fingers underneath the lid to open them.

A latch protector is a device placed over an external door’s or drawer’s latch, preventing it from being closed. A plastic cover is fitted onto the end of door handles, and a stopper can prevent latches on doors from being shut. They also make opening and closing a door or drawer easier as they don’t have to place their fingers underneath the lid to open them.

Should I Switch to An Inward Swinging Door?

Our previous post discussed how to lock a door without a lock. And the tips and tricks provided mainly apply only to doors that open inwards.

Before we get into the details, we will discuss the pros and cons of outswing doors. It will help us understand why people still appreciate them fully.

Let us say you are standing inside your home, in front of your front door, and you push it open to the outside; you are now facing an outswing door. In other words, an outswing door swings out and away from the interior. The inswing door, in contrast, swings in and towards the inside.

An outswing door is a popular option, especially for front doors, since it saves inside space. It does not take up much interior space because it needs only to extend outside to open freely. An outward swinging door is also more waterproof and easier to use due to the barrier design and physical components. Winds and rain cannot easily infiltrate inside, making it protective of the interiors.

Though it appears more difficult to force open, the only drawback is that the hinges are exposed outside, leaving it vulnerable to crooks and burglars. Trespassers may struggle to open doors like this; nevertheless, you are out of luck if they succeed.

That is why barricading a door that opens out is the best way to keep intruders out. Barricading implies doing something on the inside to prevent someone from pulling the door open from the outside.

Wrapping Up

Use these products or follow the DIY suggestions to enhance the security of outward swinging doors. These will render your door secure from the outside. Make use of your creativity, be practical, and stay safe!

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(1) rubber coating –
(2) locking mechanism –

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