Most people know about the dangers of inhaling smoke, but they may not know as much about carbon monoxide dangers. Medical and emergency officials say carbon monoxide detectors are extremely useful and functional, and all homes should have them. They are as important as a smoke alarm.
The problem with carbon monoxide is it has no smell, so you may not know it is there. Some symptoms, like headaches, dizziness, nausea, and so forth happen, but if you are asleep, you will not notice those. The best place for co-alarms is near sleeping areas.
Here are some specific locations where you should consider installing a carbon monoxide detector:
- Near the furnace or boiler
- In the utility room or near water heaters
- In the basement
- Near fireplaces
- In bedrooms
- In the living room
- In the kitchen
- Near gas appliances, such as stoves and ovens
- In the garage, especially if you park your car inside.
It is important to have one, but many homes do not have one yet. According to the National Fire Protection Association, 96 percent of homes in the United States have smoke detectors, but only 25 percent have a carbon monoxide detector. Carbon Monoxide is an invisible gas that is released. Anything burns at any time. A stove, lantern, candle, or engine emits carbon monoxide. A CO2 alarm or CO2 detector should be a part of your home security.
According to the National Safety Council, 400 or more people die each year in their sleep inhaling carbon monoxide. As many as 4,000 are injured or suffer real health effects, and an estimated 20,000 emergency room visits are related to this gas each year.
A little carbon monoxide gas in the air is normal, but it can build up and reach a dangerous level. Winter is the prime time for the gas to build up since doors and windows are closed, and heating devices are more used. The National Safety Council recommends installing CO detectors in your home to ensure safety. Some companies are now selling smoke and carbon monoxide detector devices. The best place for a carbon monoxide detector could be beside, on in combination with, your smoke detector.
Things You Might Not Know About Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Do You Put Carbon Monoxide Detectors High or Low?
There is not much debate about whether carbon monoxide detectors are needed, but there is some debate about whether one should be mounted high or low on a wall. Carbon monoxide detector placement is important, but what is the truth? You can find “experts” online who will tell you why it should be one way or another.
Some say the gas is heavier than the air and concentrates at low levels, and the other side says it is lighter than air and concentrates higher. It might not be good to put them on the ceiling as you would for a fire alarm because it would read only that area.
An actual scientific study says there is always a little CO gas in the air and that it blends in and builds up in all areas. A company called Elsevier, an academic research company, conducted a study and showed It does not matter whether they are installed high or low. The carbon monoxide tends to start high but infuses itself into the room at all levels simultaneously.
Where Do You Need Carbon Monoxide Detectors?
Because most fatalities occur while people sleep, they should be placed near any sleeping area. The best location for a carbon monoxide detector in a home is near bedrooms. Placing them in hallways near sleeping rooms is often a good idea.
You do not necessarily need one in every bedroom. One in the hallway will be sufficient if there are a few bedrooms in the hallway. They should also be placed in any area that does not have good air circulation, such as a basement.
How Far Should A Carbon Monoxide Detector Be From The Furnace?
Health officials say to place carbon monoxide detectors at least 15 feet from furnaces, stoves, or other appliances that may emit fumes. The CO detector needs to be closed, but not too close. Any furnace will emit some of this gas, and if it is too close, you will likely get false alarms.
How Many Carbon Monoxide Detectors Do I Need?
At the very minimum, there should be at least one in every home. There should be one on every floor and one in the basement. One detector will be sufficient for those bedrooms if you have a hallway with a few bedroom doors opening into it. While having one on every floor is a good idea, avoid having too many. If you have an attached garage, there should be one there or near the door to the garage.
What Does a Carbon Monoxide Detector Sound Like?
A carbon dioxide detector will give off a beeping or chirping sound, and lights will flash if there is excessive gas in the air.
Where You Need To Have Carbon Dioxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide alarms can save lives, but they must be in the right place. Here are five areas that make up the best location for a co-detector.
Near Sleeping Areas
Health officials agree the most important place for these detectors is near sleeping areas. One will be sufficient if you have a hallway with a few bedrooms going off that.
Near sleeping areas is the most important place because of the dangers of gas exposure while you sleep. If awake, you would likely recognize the symptoms and leave the area. Most deaths due to carbon dioxide have happened while people are asleep.
One On Every Floor
As noted, Carbon Dioxide permeates all the air at the same time. Still, it can get concentrated in one area, and that is when it becomes an issue. Areas that do not have some ventilation can become an area where the gas gets concentrated. For this reason, putting one on every floor is a good idea. Depending on the house size, you might need one in the sleeping areas and another in another part of the house on the same floor.
Near An Attached Garage
Suppose you let your car idle for a few seconds while in the garage; it will emit a lot of CO gas and could become harmful. This is especially true if you are working on the car or closing the door too soon. That gas can seep into your house through the door. Putting one inside the house near that door is a good idea.
Near Stoves Or Furnaces
Appliances like stoves or furnaces will put off some carbon dioxide gas. Space heaters are also a culprit, as are fireplaces. Fire officials recommend no closer than 15 feet to avoid false alarms but no further than 20 feet from the source.
In The Basement
Some people don’t consider the basement a level of a house. It is the area most likely to collect CO gas since there is very little air circulation. Many times furnaces are here, so it is a good place for a detector. Make sure you have a co-alarm there and at every level.
Where Not to Put A Carbon Monoxide Detector

Closer Than 15 Feet To Appliances That Emit The Gas.
These devices that produce heat also produce gas; a small amount is not harmful. It if is too close, you may get a lot of false co-alarms. This would also apply to fireplaces, so ensure your detectors are not too close.
Bathrooms, Sun Windows
Changing humidity levels in these areas could cause false carbon monoxide alarms. Humidity can also set off the alarm.
Where There Is Airflow
The gas will only build where there is no circulation of air. Near air conditioning, heating vents, or fans could keep it from detecting an actual problem.
Behind Furniture Or Curtains
Any obstruction could keep the detector from getting an accurate reading of the entire room, and it might not let you know if there is a problem.
Out of The Reach Of Children Or Animals
Detectors have a test button that kids might like to play with. Pushing it will set it off, resulting in a false alarm. The detector could also easily be damaged.
Wrapping Up
Carbon Monoxide can be deadly, just as a fire can. A carbon monoxide detector is just as important as a smoke alarm regarding the safety of your home. The key is to keep the detector near sleeping areas or areas without good air circulation. A little in the air is normal; if there is no air circulation, it can concentrate to a dangerous level.
Detectors alert you at a certain level. Some monitors give you a constant reading of the level of carbon monoxide in the air. A smart home can also be monitored from a different place. A monitor tells you the level to know if you are close. There is a lot of information available from the National Fire Protection Association. To install carbon monoxide detectors consult the owner’s manual.