An important thing to realize is that video surveillance and audio recordings are treated very differently by the law. Home and business use are also treated very differently. The key is that people have a right to know their actions are being recorded.
Video surveillance cameras are legal on your property or business, with the only exceptions being private areas like the bathroom. Dressing rooms, bedrooms of adults, or any place you would expect privacy is off-limits. In a business setting, you must notify people that video surveillance is in use, and if they stay, that is considered consent.
The federal wiretap act, however, changed what is legal, especially from an audio standpoint, and is a lot more complicated. Also, using WiFi to record audio is illegal and could be considered a cybercrime.
State audio surveillance laws are different from their audio recording laws. Various state laws may be more restrictive than federal law.
It is generally not legal to record audio without the person’s consent. This means you could not record available audio in your kitchen, or other places, at home without the knowledge and consent of people there. The wiretap act was aimed at things like telephones and other communication devices, but home cameras used in security systems fall under this law.
If someone starts recording in your home or business, you also have the right to tell them to stop. If they do not, they are guilty of trespassing.
Is Recording Audio Without Consent Illegal?
In most cases, no, it is not legal to record audio without consent. The problem is not the recording. The problem is that people who may be recorded have a right to know the recording is taking place. There are ways to record sound legally, and it involves having the people’s consent.
Privacy laws are aimed at protecting individual rights. The laws were perhaps meant for phone calls and electronic communication, but the recording of any sound is included. If you want the best security camera for your business, you may post a sign advising people they are being recorded. People can leave if they do not wish to be recorded. Recording audio is still a bit stricter, though. If you notify people that cameras are in use, video surveillance consent is implied.
The same is not true for audio. Some states require only one-party consent, and some require two or even all-party consent. 12 states do not accept one-party consent and require consent from all involved. One-party consent means only one of the people involved in a conversation must give consent. A hidden microphone on your body could be legal because you gave consent. The remaining 38 states have variations on the law but generally do allow one-party consent for recording audio.
Do security cameras have sound?
Surveillance cameras keep getting more sophisticated and even more affordable. Many do not come with sound simply because of all the laws around recording sound. More systems are now coming with video and audio capabilities. That increases your options, but it also increases your responsibility to use the audio legally.
It is legal to record video and sound in your home when no one is there. It could be useful if there were a burglar to have sound and video. That would be legal. It’s easy enough to shut off the sound control when guests are in the house. But remember, you must consent if you want to record sound even in your home. It is not legal to record private conversations when two people are talking, and neither of them knows or has consented to be recorded. There is some ambiguity, however. A general sound recording of a room full of people might not get you in trouble.
It is legal then if you have consent or if it is a “public” location. Recording a burglar when you are not home is legal with video and sound.
The best surveillance cameras have sound input, so you can hook up a microphone when it is legal. Remember, it is illegal to use WiFi to record sound. Many systems record everything in the Cloud on the Internet so that you would be using the Internet in that situation. This could be considered a cybercrime and get you in even more trouble.
Closed circuits of CCTV are different as it does not use an external recording device. CCTV systems use a memory card and often start over recording previous material when it gets full. You have a lot more flexibility when it comes to recording sound with a CCTV system.
Can employers have cameras with audio?
There are a lot of restrictions on audio recordings and not too many on video. Keep in mind, though; there are a lot of differences between home and business use. You may record employees if you have notified them. You may also monitor computers, phones, and other devices that belong to the company. It gets a little gray when people take business computers home or bring personal devices to work, but generally, the two are treated very differently.
For instance, phone conversations of employees on company phones could be monitored. A private conversation between two employees in a private area would not be legal unless one gave consent. What employees do online at the business could be recorded legally while it is on the business property. The most important thing is that the person is notified that an audio recording is taking place, which gives them the option of not participating.
Some employers record interviews with candidates for jobs, and consent is required. Some add the requirement that consent is given for future recordings to protect the business. This is often done at the job interview, or signs are posted; this is legal notification and all that is required at work.
Another aspect of this is the “expectation of privacy.” This means there are areas where you should be able to assume you are not being watched or recorded. This would be like a bathroom, changing area, or bedroom for adults. The company could not legally record conversations on your private phone at work, but if you use the company’s WiFi, that could be subject to surveillance.
If you are in a business or at work for a business, you do not expect privacy. It is a public space, even if it is privately owned. Recordings of crowds inside a building, in general, are legal. However, it would be best if you still respected those areas where the expectation of privacy exists, such as bathrooms and changing rooms.
Hidden microphones
An important part of the law is that people have a right to know if they are being recorded. It is illegal to have a hidden camera with a microphone. The law refers to “disguised” recording devices. The latest security systems have separate controls and inputs for audio and video because of the difference in legalities. Other methods of recording are legal, depending on your state, even without consent. But sound for a general surveillance system still requires consent for it to be legal.
The bottom line
Home surveillance systems give you an extra sense of security because you can keep an eye on your property no matter where you are. While this is great, other people have rights as well, and the courts have decided individuals have a right to privacy. You may still have a surveillance system for video recording in “public” areas of your home and business.
Keep in mind audio recording laws. Of course, this would not apply to bathrooms or changing rooms. The rules for audio are stricter because of wiretapping rules, so you have to be careful. Most states require some level of consent to voice recording, whether in business or at home. This is why many surveillance systems do not come with audio. They may have audio connections that you can hook a microphone to later.